Intuitive, impactful, informed, and comforting, Zack has an innate healing quality that leaves you feeling cared for.

He received his training from various institutions including Kiné Concept, Barral institute, International Cupping Therapy Association, MyoFascial Decompression, and ICAHT Centre of Integrative Medicine.

Zack’s formations include Kinetic Swedish, Deep Tissue, Integrated Fascia Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Barral Visceral Manipulation (I, II), Eastern and Western Contemporary Cupping Methods, and IASTM (Instrument Aided Soft Tissue Manipulation). Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) Fascia Stretch Therapy (FST) and Stick Mobility coaching.

His approach is to integrate complimentary ideas and maneuvers that help you find a better sense of self and function.